Under the guidance of the Director General of Disaster Management Center (DMC), Major General (Rtd) Sudantha Ranasighe RWP, RSP, USP, MSc, ndc, psc Disaster Management center in collaboration with the Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC) has partnered with DMC through the Programme for Enhancement of Emergency Response (PEER). As the initial step of introducing PEER in Sri Lanka, the regional PEER curricula under the subject headings of CADRE, CSSR, MFR and HOPE have been reviewed for consistency with the country context, authentication and update the information by selected sector experts. Further, proposed revisions and updates were reviewed by experienced regional subject matter experts and included their expert recommendations during the mid-term review meeting.
Today (29.10.2021) the final draft of the curricula was presented and discussed at main auditorium of the Ministry of Disaster Management with the relevant authorities for onward implementation nationwide. This event was held as a hybrid event.