හදිසි අනතුරු ඇඟවීම්


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Disaster Management Center is implementing a project for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into Development based on Basin Investment Plan- Kelani River Basin under the technical cooperation of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Project is implementing in 04 highly vulnerable local authorities and four Divisional Secretariates in Colombo and Gampaha Districts in collaboration with National Planning Department(NPD), Road Development Authority(RDA), Urban Development Authority(UDA), Irrigation Department, Land development Cooperation, and National Building Research Organization

 The project has four output areas as;

  1. A mechanism and a roadmap to promote based-wide coordination and mainstreaming DRR are developed
  2. A system is established to incorporate DRR into development projects in national and local levels
  3. Basin strategy and DRR plan are developed in consideration of disaster risk in Kelani River basins
  4. Mainstreaming DRR into development processes is promoted at local pilot areas in Kelani River basins

 One of the main activities identified Under Output 02 is to develop a guideline to in cooperate DRR component to the project submission format of NPD. 08th November 2023 seminar was held at BMICH to review the develop guideline for NPD project submission format with the participation of stakeholder agencies (DMC, NPD, ID, SLLDC, RDA, UDA, SDC, National Water Supply and Drainage Board, and others) in development sector of the country.

Participants discussed better user-friendly instruction on the topic of the DRR mainstreaming in the Project Submission Format.  Mr. Ida, NPD Japanese expert, shared that NPD is now going to revise the format within a couple of weeks.  The seminar concluded that showing the concrete project example as a model case could help users to understand the steps to fill in the format on DRR. The manual is going to be modified, tested and finalized based on this suggestion

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හදිසි ඇමතුම්

පොදු අංකය: +94 112 136 136
හදිසි මෙහෙයුම් මධ්‍යස්ථානය:+94 112 136 222 /
+94 112 670 002
ෆැක්ස් අංකය: +94 112 878 052