හදිසි අනතුරු ඇඟවීම්


Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Switzerland and Senior Officials 34The Disaster Management Centre facilitated a meeting with officials of key government organisations involved in disaster management in Sri Lanka, in order for the attaché’s and the senior officials of the Embassy of Switzerland to gain a better understanding of the current context of disaster management, foreseen events of displacements due to disasters and emergency response mechanisms.

This discussion which was presided by Director General of Disaster Management Centre, Major General (Retd.) Sudantha Ranasinghe was held on 14th February 2023 at the Disaster Management Centre and Mr. Raoul Imbach, Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Switzerland and Ms. Evelin Studer, Senior DRR Thematic Specialist (Asia) based in New Delhi, India along with other embassy officials engaged in discussions with the representatives of the key government organisations and technical agencies to gain a better understanding of the prevalent disaster management mechanisms in Sri Lanka.

Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Switzerland and Senior Officials 43  Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Switzerland and Senior Officials 42  Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Switzerland and Senior Officials 16

හදිසි ඇමතුම්

පොදු අංකය: +94 112 136 136
හදිසි මෙහෙයුම් මධ්‍යස්ථානය:+94 112 136 222 /
+94 112 670 002
ෆැක්ස් අංකය: +94 112 878 052